How is the UK withdrawal affecting you?

How is the UK withdrawal affecting you?

If your company is established in the EU/EEA, you are affected whenever your supply chains as a customer or supplier extend to the UK. Here and below, ‘the UK’ means Great Britain, i.e. the United Kingdom excluding Northern Ireland.

If your company is established in the UK, the EU chemicals legislation, which includes REACH, CLP, BPR and POPs, is no longer applying to you, if your chemical substances, mixtures or articles, biocidal products or active substances are placed on the market only in the UK. This is also the case with the PIC Regulation if you export or import certain chemicals directly to or from non-EU/EEA countries to or from the UK. 

If your business is in any way connected to the EU Member States or the EEA countries, your market situation has changed. Find more information in our Q&As.

Know your role

Start by identifying your role in the supply chain and your connection to the EU and EEA market. Where and with whom you do business will determine how the withdrawal affects you.

From the options below, select the role that describes your business. If your situation does not fit any of these roles or you wish to know more, you can read our Q&As under “Advice to companies / Q&As”.


How is the UK withdrawal affecting you?