Occupational exposure limits - Call for comments and evidence

Occupational exposure limits - Call for comments and evidence

Occupational exposure limits - Call for comments and evidence

Les appels à contributions permettent aux parties de manifester leur intérêt et d’exprimer leurs points de vue et préoccupations au cours des premières phases de l’élaboration d’un rapport scientifique sur les limites d’exposition professionnelle (LEP) à une substance ou à un agent chimique sur le lieu de travail.

L’appel à contributions complète la consultation relative au rapport scientifique sur les LEP élaboré par l’ECHA pour étayer l’établissement de LEP à respecter sur le lieu de travail, mais ne s’y substitue pas.

Les consultations s’achèvent à 23 h 59, heure d’Helsinki (EET).

Appel à contributions précédents


There are currently no ongoing consultations.
1,3-propanesultone 214-317-9 1120-71-4 13/05/2024 12/08/2024 Call for evidence on 1,3-Propanesultone related to the scientific evaluation of exposure limits at the workplace. Details
Anthraquinone 201-549-0 84-65-1 17/06/2024 16/09/2024 Call for evidence on Anthraquinone related to the scientific evaluation of exposure limits at the workplace. Details
Ethylene dibromide (EDB) or 1,2-Dibromoethane 203-444-5 106-93-4 13/05/2024 12/08/2024 Call for evidence on Ethylene dibromide (EDB) or 1,2-Dibromoethane related to the scientific evaluation of exposure limits at the workplace. Details
N-(hydroxymethyl)acrylamide 213-103-2 924-42-5 03/06/2024 02/09/2024 Call for evidence on N-(Hydroxymethyl)acrylamide related to the scientific evaluation of exposure limits at the workplace. Details
Oximes: Butanone oxime Acetone oxime
17/06/2024 16/09/2024 Call for evidence on Butanone oxime and Acetone oxime related to the scientific evaluation of exposure limits at the workplace. Details

The information submitted may be non-confidential or confidential. If you claim information to be confidential, you will need to provide a justification. Any information claimed confidential will only be made available to ECHA, including its Committees, the Member State Competent Authorities and the European Commission, if appropriate.