Informação sobre substâncias químicas
Informação sobre substâncias químicas
Search for REACH registrations
The first version of our new Chemicals database, ECHA CHEM makes available information from all REACH registrations received by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). See for more information on the transition to ECHA CHEM. More

Search for other data on chemicals
Below you can find all publicly available data on chemicals held by ECHA, other than REACH registration dossiers.
- Registered substances factsheets
- Pre-registered substances
- Annex IV: substances exempt from registration (Art 2(7)(a))
- Annex V: substances exempt from registration (Art 2(7)(b))
- Registration statistics
REACH - Evaluation
- Registry of SVHC intentions until outcome
- Substances of very high concern identification
- Candidate List of SVHC for authorisation
- Candidate list substances in articles
- Recommendations for inclusion in the Authorisation List
- Authorisation List
- Adopted opinions and previous public consultations on applications
- Public consultations (ongoing)
- Register of downstream user notifications of authorised uses
REACH - Restriction
- Registry of restriction intentions until outcome
- Current activities on restrictions
- Completed activities on restriction
- Restriction list
- Submitted restrictions under consideration (current consultations)
- Current calls for comments and evidence
- Previous calls for comments and evidence
- Consultations on new scientific evidence
- Biocidal active substances
- Biocidal products
- List of active substances and suppliers
- Consultation on candidates for substitution (ongoing)
- Consultation candidates for substitution (previous)
- Consultations on derogations to exclusion criteria (ongoing)
- Consultations on derogations to exclusion criteria(previous)