Žalbeni postupak
Žalbeni postupak
Na određene odluke ECHA-e navedene u članku 91. Uredbe REACH i članku 77. Uredbe o biocidnim proizvodima može se podnijeti žalba ECHA-inu Odboru za žalbe.
Pravila koja se primjenjuju na žalbene postupke utvrđena su u postupovnim pravilima.
Osim toga, Odbor za žalbe donio je Praktične upute kako bi strankama pomogao da postupaju u skladu s pravnim odredbama te da žalbe pripreme na najučinkovitiji način.
Strankama u žalbenom postupku preporučuje se da podnose žalbe i druge postupovne dokumente koristeći se mrežnim obrascem izrađenim za tu svrhu.
Odbor za žalbe objavio je i posebne obrasce i kontrolni popis za pomoć. Tim se obrascima ne morate služiti, ali vam to preporučujemo. Mogu se upotrijebiti za pripremu postupovnih dokumenata koji se podnose pomoću mrežnog obrasca ili e-poštom.
- Submission webform user guide [PDF] [EN]
- REACH Regulation Articles 89 – 94
- Biocidal Products Regulation Article 77
- REACH Fee Regulation[PDF] Article 10
- Amendment to the REACH Fee Regulation[PDF] Annex VIII
- Consolidated REACH Fee Regulation (unofficial) [PDF]
- BPR Fee Regulation[PDF]
- Rules of Procedure
- Amendment to the Rules of Procedure
- Consolidated Rules of Procedure (unofficial)
- Practice Directions [PDF] (revised on 14.03.2023)
- Decision on adopting Practice Directions [PDF] [EN] (14.03.2023)
- Instructions to the Registrar [PDF] [EN]
- Decision on extending time limits for the submission of Defence [PDF] [EN]
- Decision on extending time limits for the submissions of Observations by the Parties [PDF] [EN]
- Refund of fees and charges [PDF] [EN]
- Decision on costs relating to the taking of evidence [PDF]
- Amounts paid in relation to the taking of evidence [PDF]
- Decision on appeal announcements [PDF] [EN]
- Leaflet - The Board of Appeal of the European Chemicals Agency: An independent review of ECHA decisions [PDF]